##--> Pac-Man TI84+CE <--## ###### INTRO ###### The classic pacman game; now for the CE edition! Really just an example program; but fully playable. Enjoy! ###### INSTALL ###### Using TI-Connect CE, send PacMan.8xp to you calculator. ###### PLAYING ###### To run, select the Asm( token from the catalog. Then press [PGRM] and select PACMAN. The screen should look like this: Asm(pgrmPACMAN Press [ENTER]. Enjoy! ###### CONTROLS ###### [2ND/ENTER] - Continue [ARROWS] - Move Pac-Man [DEL] - Pause\Quit Game [5] - Press this on the main screen to enable "hacked mode" for an extra map set ###### OBJECTIVE ###### Munch on tasty pellets. Those big, flashy ones give you a drug NewHighString so you can eat ghosts. Sometimes fruit appears so that way you can feel good about yourself. ###### CREDITS ###### (C) September 2016 Matt "MateoConLechuga" Waltz ###### CHANGELOG ###### v1.2 - Optimized and added hacked mode v1.1 - Added Cesium icon v1.0 - First release ###### SOURCE ###### Feel free to use it in any way you see fit. Go crazy.